Types of Photograhy

Silhouette Photography

A view of the sunset from my evening jog up the lookout point on Tinian. Even though I love biking, I jog here because I could never enjoy such a view when I bike, I never notice anything on a bike because it's all so fast-paced, and biking up here is not as rewarding as running.

Nature Photography

A secret cove dubbed "Chiget" me and my friends saw in a history book and went biking around the island to find it. As my group of friends entitled me the "photographer" of the group, I was asked to take my friend here for her graduation shoot.

Sunrise Photography

Sunrise view from my porch. Randomly woke up at 4:00 AM and decided to wait for the sunrise as I couldn't get back to sleep. The picture doesn't do the sunrise justice I'm afraid, the amount of shades of purple I witnessed were jaw-dropping.

Reflection Photography

My porch, during the first rainfall Tinian has seen for weeks. Being stuck in an oven of a house gets irritating after a time, the rain was a gift long overdue. My house isn't an oven anymore.

HDR Photography

Applied for a job in this location, and I couldn't help but take a picture of something in the room, it was so well-lit. So, I took a picture of the most colorful thing in the room with HDR.


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